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JUNE, 2019

Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Writing Guideline
Lead Author: Yosef Tesfaye
Yosef Tesfaye
Aklile Asefa
Bahiru Maregn
Tofikk Redi
Abate Getachew
Chaka Natae
Gezahegn Bekele
Eliyas Fiseha
Fitsum Bekele
Submitted to Research and Studies Directorate
First Edition: June, 2019
Copyright © MRSD_NMA of Ethiopia
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the National Meteorological Agency.
National Meteorological Agency
P. o. box 1090, Tel +251115512299, email:
Fax: 251-11-5587910
June 2019
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

National Meteorological Agency
It is my pleasure to write a foreword for this new guideline for meteorological experts at NMA of
Ethiopia. There is a real need for this first edition guideline. NMA became a major and
comprehensive agency in Ethiopia with many researches and studies, meteorological technicians’
trainings and PGD program. This new guideline reflects the agencies growth and research
diversity. The guideline brings uniformity and standardization across the agency for formatting
and styling of research proposals, manual and final research writing.
Under the direction given by the agency, a team was formed to conduct this writing activity in
November 2018. Ato Yosef Tesfaye team leader, Ato Abate Getachew, W/ro Aklile Asefa, Ato
Bahiru Maregn, Ato Tofik Redi, Ato Chaka Natae, Ato Gezahegn Bekele, Ato Eliyas Fiseha and
Ato Fitsum Bekele members worked on writing the guideline during a month period. The staff
experts criticized and suggested new ideas for the draft.
I take this opportunity to thank all members for their honest and dedicated work in the
preparation of this new guideline.
I am confident that this guideline will provide the necessary direction and guidance in writing
proposals, manual, technical guide and writing at NMA of Ethiopia.
Fetene Teshome (Director General)

For the agency to be successful in research and training manual for the future, it must have clear
guidelines for doing research and writing activities for experts and trainer. This guideline helps
to write research proposals, manual and writing. Rather than considering a number of different
formats for the varied intellectual disciplines, now we have a single format to carry out
meteorological disciplines. In this guideline all the necessary formats, styles and how cover and
last page looks like are included.
The team made an effort to recognize the variety of meteorological disciplines. With the benefit
of the internet, we now have a global library at our finger tips as the resources along with our fine
academy libraries. Further, experts are strongly encouraged to use this opportunities and enhance
current research status.
It is our sincere hope that meteorological experts will carry this guideline and hold in your arms.
This guideline will help researcher in preparation of admirable and intellectual research
proposals, manual and writing at NMA of Ethiopia.
Members of Guideline on Meteorological
Research Proposal, Manual and Writing Guideline

The purpose of this research proposal, manual and writing guideline is three fold. Firstly, it has
been written to help emerging researchers establish a research profile at the NMA. Secondly, it
provides a repository for information, especially for new meteorologist, on the various forms and
procedures required when undertaking a research, project, technical manual and guideline.
Thirdly, it aims to be a general reference document for all administration and compliance aspects
of research undertaken at the Agency (NMA). This research proposal, manual and writing
guideline will be an active document and will be updated as new procedures are put in place. As
such, we hope it will be a very useful tool for common understanding and guide.

MRSD Meteorological Research and Studies Directorate
NMA National Meteorological Agency
PGD Post Graduate Diploma
SOP Standard Operational Procedure
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................iii
PURPOSE OF WRITING GUIDELINE ....................................................................................... v
CHAPTER 1. STYLE AND FORMATTING............................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Margins ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Font ............................................................................................................... 1
1.4. Headings and Subheadings ........................................................................... 1
1.5. Paragraph Format and Line Spacing............................................................. 3
1.6. Page Numbering and Set up.......................................................................... 3
1.7. Tables and Figures ........................................................................................ 4
1.8. Additional Style and Formatting Concerns................................................... 5
CHAPTER2. RESEARCH PROPOSAL WRITING..................................................................... 6
2.1. Introduction................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Elements of the Research Proposal............................................................... 6
2.2.1. Cover Page ........................................................................................... 6
2.2.2. Acknowledgements .............................................................................. 9
2.2.3. Abbreviations and Acronyms............................................................... 9
2.2.4. Table of Contents ................................................................................. 9
2.2.5. List of Tables and List of Figures ..................................................... 10

2.2.6. Abstract or Summary.......................................................................... 11
2.2.7. Introduction ........................................................................................ 11
2.2.8. Literature Review ............................................................................... 12
2.2.9. Materials and Methods ....................................................................... 13
2.2.10. Work Plan for Major Activities........................................................ 14
2.2.11. Requests Budget Breakdown............................................................ 15
2.2.12. References ........................................................................................ 16
2.2.13. Appendix (s)..................................................................................... 18
2.2.14. Letter of Agreement Sheet ............................................................... 18
3.1. Definition: .................................................................................................... 18
3.2. Seven Steps to Follow SOP.......................................................................... 20
CHAPTER4. RESEARCH WRITING ........................................................................................ 22
4.1. Cover Page and Title Page ........................................................................... 22
4.2. Research Letter of Agreement...................................................................... 22
4.3. Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... 23
4.4. Acronyms and Abbreviations....................................................................... 23
4.5. Table of Contents ......................................................................................... 23
4.6. List of Tables and Figures ............................................................................ 23
4.7. List of Appendix........................................................................................... 23
4.8. Abstract ........................................................................................................ 23
4.9. Description of the Research ......................................................................... 24
4.9.1. Introduction.......................................................................................... 24
4.9.2. Literature Review................................................................................. 24
4.9.3. Materials and Methods......................................................................... 24
4.9.4. Results and Discussion......................................................................... 25
4.9.5. Conclusion and Recommendation ....................................................... 26
4.9.6. References............................................................................................ 26
4.9.7. Appendix.............................................................................................. 27
4.10. Submission Instructions.............................................................................. 27
5.1. Responsibility of Editors of Meteorological Research and Manual ............. 28
5.2. Edit the Research and Manual Manuscript ................................................... 29
CHAPTER6 APPENDIX............................................................................................................. 35

1.1. Introduction
The following guideline serves as an institutional guide for the proper development of research
papers, manuals and other similar projects for meteorological experts or instructors of National
Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia. NMA technical writing requires consistency in style and
format in Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Writing Guideline. Definite rules are
followed consistently throughout these documents.
1.2. Margins
A margin of 1.0 inch on the left-hand is for binding. A margin of 0.98 inch each on the right, top
and bottom of the page is required. The same margins should be applied to all pages including
those of the figures and tables.
1.3. Font
Times New Roman font is required throughout the documents. There should be no difference in
the type of font used throughout the Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Research
Writing Guideline. The cover page of the research proposals, manual, guide and final research
writing is presented in 16 point font size and upper case. The documents will also have an
additional title page where 14 point font size shall be used. The text in the cover page and title
page in the Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Writing Guideline will be in bold
face font. The first level headings in document will be in 14 point font size; the second level
headings in document will be in 14 point font size in sentence case and the rest heading under
second level heading is in sentence case 12 point font size. Away from this variation in font size,
all of the description in the all documents is in 12 point font size.
1.4. Headings and Subheadings
Each headings of the initial sections; such as approval sheet, acknowledgement abbreviations and
acronyms, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list of appendix and the chapters of the

description should be written in bold upper case letters and be centered. The chapter headings of
the description must be numbered with Arabic numerals starting from 1 for the Introduction and
ending with Appendix. The Arabic numerals shall be followed by a period, a space and the
heading of the chapter. Note that the titles of the initial sections are not numbered before
Introduction. The subheadings are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in an outline
numbering system.
In general 1.1., 1.2., etc. for subheadings of Chapter 1; 2.1., 2.2., etc. for Chapter 2; similarly, the
outline numbering system will be used for lower level headings 2.1.1., 2.1.2., etc. for
subheadings. Second level headings are written in bold title case letters. The first letter of each
major word of the headings is written in upper case letters. All remaining lower level headings
are written in sentence case, unless required by grammatical or nomenclature rules. Example:
Background, Statement of the Problem, etc. Furthermore, Second level headings and lower level
headings should be level left and length of the subheading not more than forth level and more
than sub title An extra line should separate the headings from the description.

1.5. Paragraph Format and Line Spacing
Additional 1.5 line spacing is kept between paragraphs above and below all headings,
subheadings and captions. All paragraphs should be in block paragraph format. The line spacing
for all of the text is 1.5 although single (1.0) line spacing is to be applied to captions of tables and
figures. Example for paragraph 1.5line spacing:
Example: Single line spacing for captions of the table and hanging by 0.5.
1.6. Page Numbering and Set up
The initial section, each chapter of the description, the references and the appendix must start on
a new page. Except to the latter may be for the Table of Contents, Acronyms and Abbreviations
and the List of Tables and List of Figures each component of the initial section should be short
and not exceed one page. Except for the cover page, every page of the research proposals,
manual, guide and final research writing is assigned a page number. The use of two different
types of page numbering is recommended. Small Roman numerals such as ii, iii, etc. are used for
the initial section from title page to the page preceding the Introduction. However, a page number
should not appear on the cover page and the following page will be numbered with ii. Arabic
numerals such as 1, 2, 3, etc. are used from the first page of the Introduction to the last page of

the Appendix. All page numbers are at the top right of the page without any characters (periods
or dashes).
1.7. Tables and Figures
Meteorological experts should not use tables and figures for the same data discussed in the
description. Tables and figures should be single line spaced and borders are required all the
column and row of the table. Tables and figures should be understandably placed in the
description of the Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Writing Guideline writing and
should be as close as possible to the results description where those tables and figures are first
The headings within the Tables and Figures can be bolded; but font size of the text in table is
optional. Tables and figures are consistent in format throughout the document and the numerical
values cited in the description should match those in the tables. All tables and figures should
have a clear and short caption. Table notes may be used to describe the contents of the caption or
column headings cross-referenced using super-scripted numbers. Empty space between the
tables and figures and the description should auto and 1.5line spaces. Tables and figures should
be clearly presented and self-explanatory; so the reader should be able to understand them
without reading the narrative of the results.
Example: for Table and Figure
No Station Name Elevation
in meters
Longitude in
Deg. Dec.
Latitude in
Deg. Dec.
*Distance from
1 Addis Ababa 2330 38.75 9.08 Center
2 Arbaminch 1220 37.53 5.96 505
3 Asossa 1600 34.5 10 633
*Reference: Ethiopia Road Authority and ArcGIS 10.3.
1.8. Additional Style and Formatting Concerns
Where required, scientific names in any part of the research proposals, manual, guide and final
research writing should be written in italic font with the genus name starting with a capital letter
(e.g. Kiremt, Bega, Belg…). The species nickname will appear in a small letter. Similarly, no
English language terminology such as words, nouns, or pronouns shall be italicized (e.g. Teff…)
Moreover, all measurements should be given in metric or Standard International (SI) units and
only the Ethiopian Birr (ETB) shall be used for budget currency discussions. Complicated, long
or uncooperative sentences and the use of personal pronouns such as I, you and we should be
avoided. The structure of a sentence is important in research proposals, manual, guide and final
research writing. For example, do not begin a sentence by Study, And etc. In addition, never start
a sentence with numerals and with an abbreviation such as scientific name.

2.1. Introduction
The length of a proposal often varies somewhat depending on the area of the proposed work and
the topic itself. In general, a proposal is normally between 20 and 30 pages, single column,
spacing using and font size including figures, tables and references must be as described above.
Moreover, the plan and preparation of a research proposal is required of all meteorological
experts in all core processes at NMA of Ethiopia. The vital success of a works depends upon the
preparation of research proposal. The following sections pronounce the format that climate
experts at NMA should follow when writing their research proposals.
2.2. Elements of the Research Proposal
The research proposal submitted by a Meteorological experts for research is expected to have the
subsequent sections although there can be some limited difference based on the research
discipline and the study in question. Each of these sections should start on a new page and all
section titles should be capitalized. Note that any one must be follow the General structure of
research proposal from 2.2.1 to 2.2.14.
2.2.1. Cover Page
The cover page would be instructive and consist of the title of the research proposal, the name of
the experts and the names of agency and submitted to directorate (Research and Studies
Directorate). The month and year followed by the address and location are the last items on the
cover page. Title case letters are recommended in the style of writing as indicated in the styles
and formatting part of this guideline. Words such as “Abbreviations” or "The Study of" or "An
Investigation on" are not essential. The title should accurately reflect the main subject of the
proposed study. In addition, the styles and formatting of the title page; that is next to the cover
page is
capitalize each word and contents as shown in the following example.
Example: Cover page of the Research Document:
Example: Cover page for manual and guideline

Example: Title page for Research Document
Example: Title page for Manual and Guideline

2.2.2. Acknowledgements
In this section recognizes the persons or organizations or others the experts is thankful to for
guidance or assistance received and those to whom the researcher extends cheers for support in
the preparation of the research proposal or manual. Ethical considerations are critical to the
completion of research. Examples of ethical issues include known benefits and risks of
participant involvement in the research, exact description of the information to be delivered to
the subjects of the study, discuss the procedures for informed consent by the study participants
where applicable.
2.2.3. Abbreviations and Acronyms
In Abbreviations and Acronyms section researchers list in alphabetical order the abbreviations or
acronyms followed by their text body should be defined in full. Standard (S.I.) units do not need
to be listed. Abbreviations and symbols (i.e. and etc.) should not be italicized.
Example for Abbreviations and Acronyms
2.2.4. Table of Contents
All of the headings and entries in the table of contents should correspond exactly in wording, font
and case with the headings or entries as they appear in the text of the proposal.

Example for Table of contents:
Do not use title and page at the top of the page in the table of contents. Also, there should be
dotted lines connecting headings and respective pages. Level of Subheadings should exceed
optional. A table of contents is shown in the example that illustrates the capitalization,
indentation, line spacing between the headings and the numbering of sections.
2.2.5. List of Tables and List of Figures
The sample list of tables and figures from a proposal presented in section1.7 above of this guideline
explains how the list shall be prepared in the research proposal and manual.

Example for List of Tables
Example for List of Figures
2.2.6. Abstract or Summary
An abstract or summary that, in one or two paragraphs, provides a concise summary of the work you are
proposing include statement of the problem that you are trying to solve and how you expect to solve it,
background of the research proposal topic, objectives of the study and the methods to be used in the
research project. This is one of the most challenging parts of the proposal to write since you must provide
some detail without the reader having yet been given the background knowledge. It should be concise and
less than one page in length. The summary should be presented in one single block paragraph in 1.5 line
spacing without subtitles or any divisions and in italic form. In the body of abstract and summary
abbreviation and acronym is not encouraged.
2.2.7. Introduction
The introduction is the first chapter that is numbered for a research proposal and manual. It
provides relevant background information on the research, should be as brief as possible and it
should not exceed five pages in length. In the introduction you need to say why you are doing the
proposed work and what its significance is. It is in the introduction that you typically also define
and explain most of the necessary terms and acronyms. You also need to provide a quick sketch

of your proposed solution and briefly explain how it differs from other work. Be sure to build
from more general concepts to more specific ones so that the reader will understand everything.
You should be able to have someone else read just your introduction and be able to then tell you
what you are proposing to do and why it is interesting. That is, the introduction should be
understandable by itself without the rest of the proposal. It includes brief background and clear
statement of the problem, significance of problem and general research objectives. Objectives
that specify the goals of the research, research information to be gathered, research questions to
be answered or research hypotheses developed and to be tested. In general introduction must
include background, statement of the problem, significance of the study, objectives of the study
(general objective and specific objectives), scope and outcomes of the research. In addition to
these introduction is explain about the gap and the materials to solve the objective. A concise
these that, in one to four sentences, describe specifically what the significance, problem,
objectives, scope and an outcome is that you intend to solve. All are statement can be technical in
nature. Present a clear statement of your research problem in this section. Formulate your
research questions bearing in mind a clear response to the “so-what?” question. This should be
followed by a crisp and cogent statement of your research hypothesis posed in the form of a
falsifiable proposition.
2.2.8. Literature Review
The literature review is chapter two and should be a critical analysis of relevant existing
knowledge on the proposed research topic. It includes the strengths, the limitations and gaps of
previous studies. The literature review should be relevant with recent citations on the topic.
Citations within the past five years are ideal and generally considered current. Citations ten years
and older should be used sparingly and only when necessary. Serious attention must be given to
avoid any possible consideration of plagiarism. This is done by the meteorological experts
carefully referencing each and every document used. A literature review is a presentation which
briefly summaries the essential contents of one or several monographs or scientific articles. In a
literature review, the writer is expected to point out the author’s key arguments and also present
the results of her analysis in a concise form. It is important to note that a series of direct
quotations from the literature under inspection does not as such constitute a literature review.
When working on a literature review, one should always keep in mind its function. The purpose

of a literature review is to analyze the essential characteristics of a particular text. This means
that the writer should pay attention to the structure and the central themes of the text as well as to
the arguments presented by its author. In this sense, a literature review could be thought of as a
‘full figure photograph’ of the text. If a literature review is part of a larger research report, which
analyses several sources, the purpose of the review should be assessed in this context; in such a
case, it would be sensible to select relevant parts of the texts for detailed examination. This
procedure could be thought of as a ‘passport photograph,’ for only a relevant part of the source is
analyzed. Reports of this kind constitute an essential part of scientific inquiry; the skill in
preparing such reports will develop through practice. The aim of a literature review is to recount
the arguments and thoughts presented in the text as accurately as possible. A literature review
must treat the author of the text respectfully and impartially, even if the writer of the review does
not agree with the views presented in the text. The writer should not underestimate the value of
the text and dismiss the text only because it does not reflect the personal views. The author of the
review must clearly point out when the arguments and interpretations presented are her own (for
example, by stating, “It is, however, my opinion that…”).
2.2.9. Materials and Methods
Chapter three may also be titled “Materials and methods” in meteorological disciplines for which
this usage is common and appropriate. It describes precisely what will be done and how it will be
done, what data will be recorded, the proposed tools or software or model to be used in data
collection and the methods of analyzing the data. In this the researcher should give clear,
specific, appropriate and credible procedures that will be followed to attain the proposed
objectives of the study. The research methods should be appropriate to the statement of the
problem, the objectives and the logistics of implementation should be viewed parallel to the
choice of the research methodology. The researchers should consider affordability, time issues,
feasibility of the study and availability of equipment and supplies. Further, they should also
address the methods of data collection, data quality control and methods of data analysis.
Materials and methods section should include:
a. Definition of terms and variables (optional)
b. Description of the study area with geographic location in standard form.

c. Study period when data will be collected
d. Data collection. This includes questionnaires use of observation, focus group discussions, in
depth interviews, laboratory analyses and similar methods. The description should outline the
data to be collected in the study, the methods of measurement and the units of measurement.
e. Climate of the study area and Soil classification of the study area (optional)
f. Data analysis. The experts should decide how the data generated will be analyzed. Also,
explanations of the data analytical methods, techniques, tools and statistical tests that will be
used should be provided. Software planned for use in statistical analysis may also be
mentioned. Data quality control and homogeneity test; here required description of how the
data collection instruments will be checked and the reliability and validity of model used in
the research should be provided.
2.2.10. Work Plan for Major Activities
This section focuses on the planning of time for the implementation of the research project. The
experts allocate time frames for the completion of various activities of the proposed research and
manual. The plan of activities can be presented in the form of a table. Only major activities for
accomplishing the research and corresponding time frames should be included in the table.
Example of plan of activities:
Activities Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Literature Review
Data collection and Analysis
First Report Writing
Visiting selected AWS and CWS
Awareness work shop at Branch offices
Final Report Writing
Research Submission

2.2.11. Requests Budget Breakdown
The budget chapter should include both a narrative discussion and rationale for requested funds,
followed by a related set of tables. This involves first discussing and then listing, in a series of
separate tables, the necessary and required personnel, per diem days required to conduct research,
transportation costs, supervision, equipment, stationery, expendable research supplies and
materials and any associated services for the project. Budget source must indicate at the bottom
of table. The budget source may be from Meteorological Research and Studies Directorate or
from others Governmental and Non-Governmental institutions/Organizations. Every budget item
must be justified if funds are to be expected to support the research. Item costs should be
reasonable and reflect a fair and current market price. The budget should be prepared in
accordance with National Meteorological Agency policies. The budget chapter will then have the
budget source shall be indicated.
Example for Table of Requests Budget Breakdown:
Description/ Purpose No of
Persons and
Per day
Awareness work shop for AWS
vs CWS at six branch offices for
10 data experts
5*10person 100.00 5000.00 Adama, Awasa, Jimma,
Per dim payment for two experts
Visiting selected AWS and
Conventional Station
2*30 days 208.00 12480.00 To visit status of selected
Per dim payment for driver 1*30 165.00 4950.00
Transportation fuel 1105km 16.50per liter 18232.50
Contact Advisors Twice per year xxx xxxx Within the Research period
Total 40662.50(Forty Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Two50/100 Birr)
Budget Source: Meteorological Research and Studies Directorate.
2.2.12. References
This must be provided in the usual scholarly fashion. It helps to convince your reader that your
proposal is worth pursuing if you can identify literature in field and demonstrate that you
understand it. It makes a very strong impact if you can identify where there is search gap in the
literature that your proposal hopes to fill. In text references should be provided carefully follow
the style shown in example of this guideline which provides many examples. References chapter
must include all works cited in research proposal. All citations appearing in the text body of the
proposal must be included in the references chapter and vice versa. While, the references not
needed to cite in text body of the manual or guideline. But all citations appearing included in the
references chapter used to write the documents. The list should use the hanging indent method
where all lines after the first one are indented 0.5 inch. The list should be in alphabetical order by
the last names of the first authors (A, B, C...).
Format for reference:
Example for Citation on text body:
Climate data is.........variability..........extremes (Agnihotri and Panda, 2014). Furthermore,
.................vegetation. Thus, one ................available (Bautista and Delgado, 2010). Though,
African .................. and management. (Anita et al., 2014).
Example for Reference:
Journal Articles:
Kebede Yemane. 2008. Cigarette smoking and khat chewing among university instructors in
East African Medical Journal 16:9-17.
Agnihotri Mars and Panda John. 2014. Comparison of rainfall from automatic and ordinary rain
gauges in Karnatka.
Sciences Journal, 65:4, 575-584.
Anita Anna, Neil Mark and Maxm Kitim. 2010. Evaluation of five satellite products for
estimation of rainfall over Uganda.
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 53:6, 1137-1150.
Bautista Fule and Delgado Cheers. 2009. Calibration of the equations of Hargreaves and
Thornthwaite to estimate the PET in semi-arid and sub-humid tropical climates for
regional applications.
Atmosfera, Mexico, 331-348.
Dyckman, Thomson and Pfeiffer Grimes. 2010. Financial Accounting, 3rd Edition. Boston, MA,
USA: Cambridge Business Press.
Chapter in Edited Book:
Abu Elteen, Kinio Hamber and Hamad Milias. 2007. Determination of the virulence factors of
Candida albicans and related yeast species
. Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular
West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 69-91
Paper in Conference Proceedings:
Tessema Megenasa. 2008. Keynote Address. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the
Plant Protection Society of Ethiopia, 19-22 December 2006. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
Plant Protection Society of Ethiopia. pp. 11- 19
MSc. Theses and PhD Dissertations
Eyob Shenkut. 2010. Mathematics Anxiety of 9th and 10th Grade students: The Case of Three
Selected Schools in Dire Dewa. Thesis,
Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Technical Reports:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 2011. Technical Report on Food Insecurity in
US Households with Children: Prevalence, Severity and Household Characteristics.
Washington, DC: USDA.
Non- Periodical Web Document:
World Health Organization (WHO). 2002. Adolescent-friendly health services: an agenda for
change. ( Accessed on June 1, 2010.

2.2.13. Appendix (s)
If there is any appendix, it will appear as the last chapter of the research proposal. It includes
information such as drafts of questionnaires in English and other languages, participant informed
consent forms, observation check lists, pictures and specifications of the equipment to be used in
the research, mathematical formulae, a detailed description of the sample selection procedures
and tables.
2.2.14. Letter of Agreement Sheet
The Letter of agreement sheet is the last page of a research proposal and the agreement page will
be used to get formal responsibility and authorization of the proposal. Example for letter of
agreement sheet can refers on chapter 6 appendix in this guideline.
The operational or technical manual, guideline and SOP are the documentation by which an
organization provides guidance for members and experts to perform their functions correctly and
reasonably efficiently. It documents the approved standard procedures for performing operations
safely to produce goods and provide services.
3.1. Definition:
What is Operations/ Technical Manual?
The Operational manual is usually either a physical document (book, booklet, etc.) or an online
. This Operational Manual contains the operational policies, directives, procedures and
other instructions to meteorological experts that apply to operations. The Manual is organized
according to instrument, country engagement, development policy and advisory services and
analytics including compensate advisory services. Thus, compliance with the operations manual
will generally be considered as activity approved by the persons legally responsible for the
agency. The operational manual must contains the relevant procedures from cover page to

appendix page on this Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Research Writing
What is Operational/ Technical Guideline?
A guideline is a statement by which to determine a course of action. A guideline aims to
streamline particular processes according to a set routine or sound practice. Guidelines may be
issued by and used by any organization to make the actions of its employees or divisions more
predictable, and presumably of higher quality. A guideline is similar to a rule. A guideline is
something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something.
The difficulty in writing an Operational Guideline, like any technical document, is to know
where to start. Here’s a suggested approach:
Who: define who will read the Operational Guide, for example, is it observer, climate
experts or users?
What: identify the most important tasks you need to write to help experts. How do you
find out?
Where: identify where it will be used. Will it be used online, printed out or read on a
mobile device and computer.
When: is this document used in an emergency? Or is it used in less pressurized settings?
How does this affect the content and the way it’s structured? When is it due for
How: create a list of who will help you write the document, provide answers, review it,
and then sign off.
Others: you’ll also need things like style guides and other supporting documents.
What is Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)?
It is a set of written instructions that document a routine or repetitive activity followed by an
organization. The development and use of SOP is an integral part of a successful quality system
as it provides individuals with the information to perform a job properly, and facilitates
consistency in the quality and integrity of a product or end-result. SOPs describe both technical
and fundamental programmatic operational elements of an organization that would be managed

under a work plan. Purpose of SOP details the regularly recurring work processes that are to be
conducted or followed within an organization. They document the way activities are to be
performed to facilitate consistent conformance to technical and quality system requirements and
to support data quality. SOPs should be written in brief, step-by-step, easy-to-read format. The
information presented should be unambiguous and not overly complicated. The active voice and
present verb tense should be used. The document should not be wordy, redundant, or overly
lengthy. Keep it simple and short and information should be conveyed clearly and explicitly to
remove any doubt as to what is required. Also, use a flow chart to illustrate the process being
described. All generalized format of SOP is discussed in this guideline and follow the same
format guide from the cover page to the last chapter. In addition, mainly follow the style guide
used Meteorological Research Proposal, Manual and Writing Guideline by MRSD. Example:
font size, type, margins and etc.
3.2. Seven Steps to Follow SOP
The following are seven steps to follow when building a standard operating procedure manual. A
standard operating procedures manual is a written document that lists the instructions, step-bystep, on how to complete a job task or how to handle a specific situation when it arises in the
Step 1. Create an outline of all of the standard operating procedures you want to include. Since a
manual is a group of specific standard operating procedures, make a list of each task you need to
cover in the manual. The outline will acts as your guide to ensure you do not leave any of the
tasks out as you start to write the manual.
Step 2. Write an introduction that speaks directly to the experts who will use the manual. Include
a brief description of what the manual includes, what readers can expect to gain by using the
manual and the best way to use the manual.
Step 3. List the first task. To complete an entire manual, you need to start with one task at a time:
begin with the first standard operating procedure on your outline. Outline the steps involved in
completing the task, then go back and write out the details for each step. Make sure each step is
clear and concise, but provide enough detail that anyone can follow the instructions.

Step 4. Give the standard operating procedure to someone else to read. Have an expert or
someone you know read through and follows the instructions. They can provide valuable
feedback if there are steps they could not complete or did not understand.
Step 5. Refine the standard operating procedure based on the feedback. You may need to rewrite,
edit or add to the instructions, usually a combination of all three.
Step 6. Write the next standard operating procedure, repeating Steps 3 to 5 for each.
Step 7. Compile all of the standard operating procedures into a binder or bound manual or
electronic manual. Include a cover sheet with the name of the manual, a table of contents, the
introduction and the standard operating procedures in the order of the table of contents.
In general, operational manual, guideline and SOP are include the following 11 points in the document
1. Cover Page: It is the first page of the documents and includes name of agency, directorate,
the title and date. Cover page is the only page of a document for which a page number is not
Title Page: It is the second page of a document and it includes title, name of directorate
submitted to, address of the agency and date.
Foreword: A foreword is most often written by someone other than the author. A foreword is
a (usually short) piece of writing sometimes placed at the beginning of a book or other piece
of literature.
Preface: A foreword is often several pages of kind words that answer the question, “Why the
reader should read this book?” It usually comes before the preface. A preface, on the other
hand, is a brief introduction that answers the question, “How this book did come about?” It is
placed before the main body of the book.
Purpose: A broad overview of why the operations manual exists and what it aims to
accomplish. Describe relevant background information.
Scope: Scope who is supposed to follow the operations manual and what it covers. Identify
the intended audience and activities where the operations manual may be relevant.

Prerequisites: Outline information required before proceeding with the listed procedure; for
example, worksheets, documents, reports, etc.
Roles and Responsibilities: Identify the personnel that have a primary role in the operations
manual and describe how their responsibilities relate to this operations manual. If necessary,
include contact information.
Procedure: Provide the steps required to perform this procedure (who, what, when, where,
why, how). Include a process flowchart.
Definitions: Identify and define frequently used terms or acronyms. Provide additional
and/or relevant information needed to understand this operations manual.
References: List resources that may be useful when performing the procedure; for example,
Admin policies, Municipal Code, government standards and other operations manuals and
4.1. Cover Page and Title Page
The cover and title page is the first page and second page of a research or scientific manual. They
include the title of the research or manual it is the same as the cover and title page of proposal.
Cover page is the only page of a document for which a page number is not assigned. Please refer
to the example of cover and title page for the proposal and delete the word “proposal” from and
use for final research. In addition, the title page is the second page of a research and It includes
the title of the directorate is presented. The names of the members of the advisor of the research
are provided in the title page.
4.2. Research Letter of Agreement
Letter of agreement sheet, prepared based on the template provided in the chapter 6 appendix of
this guideline is placed in last page. However, the final letter of agreement sheet page will be
incorporated into the expert research after accordingly signed by the advisor and Research and
Study Directorate, which is after the open evaluation.

4.3. Acknowledgements
The Acknowledgements page recognizes the persons and organizations the expert is obligated to
for direction and support received, and those to whom he or she is thankful for special aid.
4.4. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations are listed in alphabetical order of the terms when written in full
form. Other than S.I. units, each abbreviation and acronym should be defined in full when it is
first used and followed by its abbreviation or acronym in parenthesis. Standard units such as g,
kg, m, and km should not be listed. Internationally known abbreviation such as; i.e. and etc. are
not italicized. A sample is provided in the 2.2.3 above.
4.5. Table of Contents
The headings and entries in the table of contents should correspond exactly in wording, fonts,
and cases with the headings or entries as they appear in the text of the research. Also, there
should be dotted lines connecting headings and respective page numbers as shown in 2.2.4
above. If the table of contents is more than one page, the title followed in parenthesis with the
word “Continued” must appear.
4.6. List of Tables and Figures
A list of tables and figures are explained in 1.7 and 2.2.5 section of proposal above.
4.7. List of Appendix
An alternative way of listing appendices, meteorological experts may refer to the description
under the “appendix” section at 2.2.13 of this guideline.
4.8. Abstract
The word abstract is written in capital letters and is centered and it should be one single block
paragraph; use information in section 2.2.6 above. The abstract should not be divided into
sections or paragraphs. The abstract should summarize the background of the study, methods
used, data analysis methods, results obtained, conclusions drawn and recommendations.

4.9.Description of the Research
The research and manual are divided into chapters. These chapters include the introduction,
literature review, materials and methods, results and discussion; finally, it includes conclusions
and recommendations, references and appendix. The results and discussion be placed in one
attached chapters.
4.9.1. Introduction
This chapter includes the background information on the subject, a statement of the problem,
significance of the study, the need for the study and objectives of the study.
4.9.2. Literature Review
The literature review chapter should be a critical analysis of the existing knowledge on the
research and manual topic. The literature review should be relevant with recent citations on the
topic. Reference section of this guideline provides the information required to present the
citations correctly in the research and manual and follow the information in section 2.2.8 above.
4.9.3. Back to List


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